Whether you are leaving the business or taking some time out for yourself, this guidance is here to help you understand what will happen to your Kingfisher share plans.

Character with thoughtful expression

A few things to check before you go…

  • Make sure your email address is correct in your EquatePlus account and you've selected your preferred contact address.
  • Make sure your bank details (and brokerage account details, if applicable) are also up to date.
  • If you've left the business and need to update your postal address, please contact Computershare and they'll confirm the process.

Useful contact details

Computershare Helpline (Sunday 10pm – Friday 10pm CET):
0808 234 3577

Computershare Registrar:
0370 702 0129

Computershare Investor Services plc
The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6ZZ

Visit your EquatePlus account
and update your personal details

Log in with single sign-on Log in at EquatePlus.com